Why Is Belly Fat Dangerous To Your Health?

Your belly fat is not only unsightly, it may also kill you. Numerous studies have concluded that although it is unhealthy to have excess fat anywhere on your body, it is extra dangerous if you have excessive belly fat.

You see, there are basically 2 types of fat in your belly. They are the subcutaneous fat and the visceral fat. Your belly subcutaneous fat resides just between your skin and your abdominal muscle and this is the fat that covers up your abs muscle or commonly known as your 6 pack abs. The visceral fat resides far deeper in your belly beneath your abs muscle and around the internal organs.

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Both the subcutaneous and the visceral fat in your belly are real health hazards as both these fats can increase the risks of cardiac diseases, hypertensions, strokes, sleep apneas, diabetes, various types of cancers as well as other diseases.. However, excessive visceral fat is much more dangerous than the subcutaneous fat because it releases more inflammatory molecules into your bloodstream to enhance the occurrences of the said diseases. On top of that, as this fat is around your internal organs, they tend to clog up your heart thus causing fatal heart attacks or blocks blood flow to the brain inducing paralysing and even life threatening strokes.

So if you cherish your life or love your family, then it is time for you to lose weight and get rid of your belly fat. Now before you do that, you must face the stark truth. There are no pills or supplements that can make you lose your tummy fat quickly. Also none of those abs contraptions that you see in late night infomercials work either simply because there is no such thing as spot reduction at the moment. So the only effective solution to lose your belly fat is the plain old fashion way of combining a sound strategic and nutritious diet along with a good exercise program.

You should also be aware that not all diets and exercises are the same. Therefore you must choose those that are more effective in raising your metabolism over a longer period and those that are able to make hormonal changes for weight loss.

Although there many such good weight loss programs in the internet, there are just as many bad ones around as well. As such, you may be at a loss as to which one is real and which is not and so the best way is to hire a weight loss personal trainer who have proven track records in helping people to lose their belly fat to help your to get rid of yours before you become your own victim.

Why Is Belly Fat Dangerous To Your Health?

Chris Chew, a weight loss personal trainer and at consultant Personal trainer in Singapore and Singapore personal trainers

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